From Steak Wiki
I love wire. Wire is one of the Modular Electronics.
Buy in Bulk
You will save a lot of money.
Look for Local Surplus of Wire
I found 2000 feet of 22 gauge wire for $15 2024 prices from a local electronics recycler.
Wire Wrap
Not a lot of modern use of wire wrap, but the small gauge wire and the cutters are useful. Pretty much if you build a board with wire wrap, murphy will disconnect/cause oxidation on three wires and you'll never figure out why the board doesn't work.
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/buysellwanted/lfs-cheap-wire-wrap-tool-and-sockets-(uk)/ http://web.archive.org/web/20201027182555/https://jonard.com/sites/default/files/product_files/Data%20Sheet%20-%20Wrap-Strip-Unwrap%20Tool.pdf