Windows Tools
From Steak Wiki
Revision as of 06:23, 19 July 2023 by ViciousCarnivore (talk | contribs)
ms tool list
- compmgmt.msc
- richcopy/robocopy
- wireshark
- the user
- eventvwr
- ncpa.cpl - network connnections
- cmd + r then shell:startup
- msinfo32
- the users business secrets
- msconfig, services, hide windows, disable any that aren't needed
- Control Panel, Security and Maintenance, Reliability History
- command to enable ping: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow
- systempropertiesadvanced
- powercfg \Q (query sleep settings) (make sure fast startup is off)
- sysinternals autoruns - tells you where startup programs are (more than task manager) (idea: take a autoruns snapshot of the computer when you start managing it, and then if it becomes slow, compare / contrast the old & the new.)(there is a book on sysinternals, as well as a number of similar books on powershell, cmd prompt, and basic windows management of the same series of books).
- ansible (haven't actually bothered to use this. i manage small networks, not large.) And there is an old joke that bash (cygwin if necessary) is more future proof anyway. Docker however, is good.