Mwan3 On Openwrt

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Here is a guide for setting up mwan3 on terminal for Openwrt (last tested 19.07).


Firewall zones must include wan2/wanb in addition to wan

In /etc/config/firewall

see this:

 config zone
	option conntrack 	'1'
	option name		wan
	option input		REJECT
	option output		ACCEPT
	option forward		REJECT
	option masq		1
	option mtu_fix		1
	option network		'wan wan6 wan2'

the above is a working mwan3 firewall config (17)(zone only, other items omitted).

see this:

config zone
       option conntrack '1'
       option name 'wan'
       list network 'wan'
       list network 'wan6'
       option input 'REJECT'
       option output 'ACCEPT'
       option masq '1'
       option mtu_fix '1'
       option forward 'ACCEPT'

This one only works with wan, not wan2 (19)

See why?

note that the latter is 19.07, and the former 17 So instead of option network in 17, we have list network in 19. conntrack should also be enabled. Rest is default.