From Steak Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis is a basic (bash) loop to operate on files.
Examples are given for 7z and video conversion.
#!/bin/bash -x #for i in *.webm; for i in *.7z do name=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f1`; echo $name; #for h264 # ffmpeg -i $i -s 1280x720 -c:a copy $name.mp4; #for webm #-map_metadata -1 is to remove metadata, at least try to remove some. (need to verify) #ffmpeg -i $i -map_metadata -1 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis $name.webm 7z e -o"$name" ./"$i" done
Basically, trim off extension of i, put into name. Use both for extractions/conversion.
Batch Edit Photos
for i in *.JPG do #delete exif data mogrify -strip $i #test convert size in gimp first to get ratio right convert -resize 1080x810 $i ~/Desktop/photofolder/$i done